Residential Lot Erosion and Sediment Control

Residential Construction Site



Builders outside a subdivision shall obtain a permit if disturbance is greater than 1 acre. Lots less than 1 acre are required to install a stone construction entrance and install silt fence as needed to prevent sediment loss to stream buffers, adjacent lots or roads.

FEES DUE: Fees will be invoiced upon submittal. Fees include plan review, permit issuance and inspections for a 2-year period.

Effective August 17, 2023 the sediment and erosion control plan review fees for single family residential lots will be set at $100 per lot OR $250/disturbed acre, whichever is less

Permit Fees: $250 per acre of disturbance for grading permit, per Wake County Fee Schedule – Prorated. Fees include plan review, permit issuance and inspections for a 2-year period. Example: 0.4 acres times $500 = $200 due. 

Plan and Permit Requirements – All lots that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale (see definition below) must submit an erosion and sedimentation control plan and obtain a land disturbance permit.

Common Plan of Development or Sale:
A contiguous area where multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules under one common plan. The "common plan" of development or sale is broadly defined as any announcement or piece of documentation (including a sign, public notice or hearing, sales pitch, advertisement, drawing, permit application, zoning request, computer design, etc.) or physical demarcation (including boundary signs, lot stakes, surveyor markings, etc.) indicating construction activities may occur on a specific plot.

What's The Process for Residential Lot E&SC Submittal?

In order to submit, you will need to have an account and upload documents to the Wake County Permit Portal. For directions on submitting an erosion and sediment control plan for residential lot(s) through the permit portal, click here.

Please note that you can submit for an individual lot or multiple lots under one submittal.

Residential Lot Permit Process Flow Chart
Residential Lot Flow Chart

What documents do I need to upload to the Portal?

The following documents should be uploaded to the permit portal for review:

  1. Wake County Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form
  2. Residential Lot Application
  3. Site location to scale on both USGS Topographic Map and hardbound copy of NRCS Soil Survey
  4. If water feature observed within lot boundary, provide 50 ft undisturbed buffer to water feature or NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources Stream/Buffer Determination Letter
  5. Plot Plan (if ready)
  6. Erosion and Sediment Control (E&SC) Plan and Erosion Control Details (Wake County Standard Plan or Custom Plan) - meeting the requirements as shown in the checklist from the current NCG01. Provide supporting calculations for design of swales, basins, etc.
  7. Provide NCG01 Detail Sheets (Ground Stabilization & Materials Handling and Inspection, Recordkeeping, & Recordingor Standard details for structural BMPS to be installed to manage the anticipated materials listed in Part II, Section F such as construction debris management, concrete washout, paint washout, petroleum product storage and pesticide/herbicide handling, along with spill prevention practices.
  8. Wake County Erosion Control Checklist, required if submitting Custom Plan.

Where can I find the hardbound NRCS Soil Survey?

Wake County Soil Survey

Individual soil survey map sheets from the 1970 Wake County Soil Survey are available in the Map Room. A limited number of soil survey books are also available upon request from the Wake County Soil and Water Conservation District. 

A digital copy of the 1970 Wake County Soil Survey is available to be viewed and downloaded here. In order to view the individual soil survey map sheets, click on the blue hyperlink titled "Index to map sheets" at the bottom of the left hand bookmarks in the PDF.  Then, click on the numbered box around the specific area you are interested in on the map to see the individual soil survey sheet. Delineate the boundaries of the lot limits of disturbance on the soil survey sheet and upload to the Permit Portal.

Where can I get documents to facilitate plan submittal?

The documents in the table below are to facilitate providing a "complete plan" submittal the first time. The Wake County Standard E&SC Plan can be used as a template for custom plan submittals. 

PDF Document
Application Application
Erosion Control Checklist Erosion & Sediment Control Checklist
Construction Entrance Construction Entrance
Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form
Lot E&SC Detail Lot E&SC Detail
NCG01 Handout NCG01 Handout
Single Lot Handout Single Lot Handout
Silt Fence Silt Fence Detail
Silt Fence Outlet Silt Fence Outlet Detail
Wake County Standard E&SC Plan Wake County Standard Lot E&SC Plan
Permit Flowchart Permit Flowchart
Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Compliance

What are the next steps?

Check back in the portal as you will be invoiced the Plan Review and Grading Permit Fees based on the disturbed acreage submitted. Once at least the plan review fee has been paid, the processing of your plan will begin. The plan review process is 30 days, depending on work load we may process your plan earlier. At the end of the 30 day cycle, your plan will be: disapproved, approved, or approved with modification.

Once your plan is approved, you need to gain coverage under the NCG01 - NC NPDES Construction Stormwater Program. To do this, remember to file your eNOI (electronic Notice of Intent) with NCDEQ through their Portal. For some helpful tips to facilitate your initial submittal, click here. The annual fee for this permit is $100. A successful submittal of your eNOI will result in receiving a Certificate of Coverage for the NCG01.

Upon receiving a Certificate of Coverage, Grading permit fees paid, and modifications of plan approval resolved (if any), the Wake County pre-construction meeting may be scheduled with the Environmental Consultant. At the end of this meeting, a grading permit will be issued. 

After receiving all of your other necessary permits, construction may begin. Install the erosion and sediment control measures as shown on your approved erosion and sediment control plan. Take a few pictures, complete the Certificate of Compliance form, and upload these documents to the project folder on the Portal. Notify your inspector when this is complete so that he/she may update the Portal on your behalf. Remember to perform your self-inspections/monitoring of your site on the most recent NCDEQ monitoring form. 

Once you have completed the home and permanent vegetation sufficient to restrain erosion (80% cover, with no large bare areas) then contact your Wake County inspector to closeout your lot and/or permit. If successful, Wake County will issue a Certificate of Completion which you will need to rescind your Coverage under the NCG01 permit by filing an eNOT (electronic Notice of Termination) through NCDEQ Portal. Once you receive both documents, Wake County Certificate of Completion and email from state ending coverage, you may cease all self-inspections and monitoring for the project.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions about submitting to the permit portal: Contact Betsy Pearce

If you have questions about Plan Review, contact the appropriate Plan Reviewer that services the area in which your project is located.

If you have questions about Pre-Construction meetings or field related questions, contact the appropriate Plan Reviewer that services the area in which your project is located.

Please click here for maps and contact information of the Watershed Management staff.