Night Owls and Candle Magic

Night Owls and Candle Magic: Illustration of owl standing before birthday candles

Night Owls & Candle Magic
Saturday, November 23
6:30-9 p.m.

All ages welcome
No registration required

Bring the night owls in your family to experience the magic of a stroll along our luminaria-lined trail as you learn about the late fall seasonal activities of local owls. Sip hot cocoa by the glow of a campfire, get crafty with some lantern-lit projects and participate in other fun activities.

Insider’s Guide

  • Come at the beginning of the event – there is lots to do!
  • Upon arrival, check in at the “Owl Clock” by the flagpole to receive a timed ticket to go on the Night Owl Luminary Trail. If you are part of a troop, tribe or other organization and wish to be part of the same trail group, everyone must be present to get your tickets at the same time.
  • There will be fun and educational walk-up activities available to do either before your journey on the Night Owl Trail or after you have completed it – but get your ticket first!
  • The Night Owl Luminary Trail itself will take approximately 40 minutes to complete. The other walk-up activities will take more time than that, so be sure to allow at least 2 hours for your visit.
  • Bring a travel mug for hot cocoa!
  • Night Owls and Candle Magic is all OUTSIDE. Dress one level more warmly than you think necessary.
  • In case of rain, the event will be inside the Environmental Education Center.
  • Strollers aren’t allowed on the trail, so bring your baby backpacks!
  • Pets are not permitted at the event.
Last stroll starts at 8:30 p.m.