Care Management for Early Childhood

Also referred to as Care Management for At-Risk Children (CMARC)

Are you worried about your child’s health? Or, whether your child can do the things other children their age can do like crawl, walk or talk? Maybe you are worried the stress in your life may be impacting your child? Is your child acting out and you don’t know why? The Care Management for At-Risk Children (CMARC) program may be able to help. 

Young girl hiding her face

CMARC is a free program for children from birth up to five years of age who have Medicaid health insurance. A CMARC care manager can talk with parents about their worries and discuss their child’s individual needs. These managers are nurses or social workers specially trained to listen and help parents find the right help for their child.

How can CMARC services help me and my child?

Care Managers can:

  • Listen to your concerns and find the right help for your needs.
  • Help find a doctor or dentist for your child.
  • Attend your child’s doctor visits to help you in learning more about your child’s needs.
  • Help you understand more about how your child grows and learns.
  • Help you learn or develop skills that can help with parenting.

How can my child access CMARC Services?

A CMARC referral can be made by anyone, including:

  • The hospital where your child was born
  • Your child's doctor
  • Someone in the community
  • YOU!

To refer a child, or if you have questions about CMARC 

