Wake County Office Building 8th and Skybridge Projects

WCOB WCCH Skybridge

Project Summary

In 2011, a Building Master Plan Reuse Study was completed for the Wake County Office Building. The study established a long-term, 20-year Master Plan for how each floor would ultimately be occupied, or “restacked.” In addition, it identified building code and ADA deficiencies that would need to be addressed in these future renovation projects.

The 8th floor renovation is next in the restack of the Wake County Office Building. This project will reprogram and fully renovate Child Support spaces to serve a more modern work force. The renovation will include new office spaces; conference rooms; support spaces; new mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and sprinkler services; and ADA-compliant restrooms. The decommissioning and demolition of the skybridge between the office building and the courthouse will add valuable program space back to the office building.

The skybridge will be permanently closed Friday August 2, 2024. The structure has reached a point where it is cost-prohibitive to further maintain or renovate, and, given the significant decrease in cross traffic between the two buildings over time, County Management has made the decision to close the skybridge permanently and remove it.

In August 2024, demolition will begin on the 8th floor of the Wake County Office Building. This will include removing the skybridge between the office building and courthouse, repairing the exterior facades of both buildings, and renovating the office building 8th floor and a portion of the courthouse 6th floor.

These projects will be phased over several months. Staff and Public can continue to enter and exit these buildings from the Salisbury and Fayetteville Street lobbies. These projects should all be completed by the end of 2025.

Building Information

Site Acreage:
Interior Renovation

Building Program Area:
Approx. 14,458 SF

Program Offered:
Child Support

Huffman Architects, PA

Demolition Contractor:
Demolition & Asbestos Removal, Inc.

General Contractor:

Construction Budget:

Projected Opening:
November 2025


