EMS System Performance

​Performance measurement is a responsibility of all EMS Systems. For clinical care there must be performance measurement as well as external validation of that measurement in accordance with rules set forth by the North Carolina Office of EMS (NCOEMS).  The Peer Review Committee facilitates both requirements, and you can find reports below from each meeting regarding clinical care, EMS operations and professional development.

Peer Review Meeting Schedule

Peer Review meetings are held quarterly and open to the public.  

2024 Meeting Schedule

Feb. 15
May 16
Aug. 15
Nov. 21

Wake County Emergency Services Education Center
221 S. Rogers Lane, Suite 160, Raleigh 

Contact Vikki Lyman, 919-212-9675

Peer Review Quarterly Reports

Peer Review Meeting Minutes

Minutes are finalized in the subsequent quarter's meeting, so publishing may lag several months.

Feb. 16 Peer Review Meeting Minutes

Nov. 17 Peer Review Meeting Minutes

Nov 18 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
Aug 20 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
May 13 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
Feb. 20 Peer Review Meeting canceled due to COVID. No minutes to report.

Aug. 20 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
May 14 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
Feb. 20 Peer Review Meeting canceled due to inclement weather.  No minutes to report.

Nov 21 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
Aug 22 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
May 16 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
March 7 Peer Review Meeting Minutes

Nov. 15 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
Aug. 23 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
May 10 Peer Review Meeting Minutes
Feb.15 Peer Review Meeting Minutes

NC Office of EMS Rules on Peer Review

The Wake County EMS System operates in accordance with the peer review rules set forth by the North Carolina Office of EMS.

The EMS Peer Review Committee for an EMS System shall:

  1. be composed of membership as defined in G.S. 131E-155(6b).
  2. appoint a physician as chairperson;
  3. meet at least quarterly;
  4. use information gained from the analysis of system data submitted to the OEMS to evaluate the ongoing quality of patient care and medical direction within the system;
  5. use information gained from the analysis of system data submitted to the OEMS to make recommendations regarding the content of continuing education programs for all EMS personnel functioning within the EMS system;
  6. review adult and pediatric treatment protocols of the EMS System and make recommendations to the medical director for changes;
  7. establish and implement a written procedure to guarantee due process reviews for EMS personnel temporarily suspended by the medical director;
  8. record and maintain minutes of committee meetings throughout the approval period of the EMS System;
  9. establish and implement EMS system performance improvement guidelines that meet or exceed the statewide standard as defined by the "North Carolina College of Emergency Physicians: Standards for Medical Oversight and Data Collection," incorporated by reference in accordance with G.S. 150B-21.6, including subsequent amendments and editions. This document is available from the OEMS, 2707 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-2707, at no cost; and
  10. adopt written guidelines that address:
    • structure of committee membership;
    • appointment of committee officers;
    • appointment of committee members;
    • length of terms of committee members;
    • frequency of attendance of committee members;
    • establishment of a quorum for conducting business; and
    • confidentiality of medical records and personnel issues.