Wake County to take lead in coordinating homelessness support services

County to begin recruitment of key leadership hire

The Wake County Board of Commissioners voted today to approve an agreement that officially begins the transition for Wake County to become the lead agency in supporting unhoused people in our community and the agencies that help connect them to shelter and services.

"This transition is about more than just shifting responsibilities, it's about creating a more unified and effective system that works for everyone," said Wake County Board of Commissioners Vice Chair Susan Evans. "By centralizing these roles under one organization we can better coordinate our efforts, maximize resources, and help more people find stability and hope."

This significant step forward was made possible following a vote by the Wake County Continuum of Care earlier this year, where members elected Wake County Government as the lead. The agreement outlines Wake County's responsibilities, including coordinating efforts to prevent and reduce homelessness throughout the county.

The Wake Continuum of Care, a network of local agencies, advocates, and community leaders, has been instrumental in addressing homelessness. While the network remains an independent entity, the lack of incorporation means it must rely on local organizations to conduct its business. The roles of Lead Agency have been temporarily managed by Haven House Services, Oak City Cares, and Urban Ministries of Wake County who stepped in to stabilize the system during a time of need.

Responsibilities for Wake County
Under the new agreement, Wake County will take on critical responsibilities such as:

  • Collaborative Applicant: Submitting funding applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for homeless assistance programs.
  • Homeless Management Information System Lead: Overseeing the computer system that tracks and reports on the county’s homeless services.
  • Coordinated Entry Entity: Ensuring a fair and efficient process for assessing, prioritizing, and connecting individuals and families to the services they need.

To support this transition, Wake County will reclassify an existing vacant position within the Housing Affordability and Community Revitalization department, dedicating resources to lead these efforts. This agreement is set to begin Nov. 1 and establishes a five-year commitment through 2029, or until another agency is identified and agreed upon.

Press Release