Seasoned Team Returns to Bi-partisan Wake County Board of Elections

Five-member board sworn in today for two-year terms

Smiling five member board of elections after swearing in
Newly Appointed Wake County Board of Elections

Ahead of what is expected to be a record-breaking election season, five familiar faces took their oaths of office for another two years as the Wake County Board of Elections. All five members, the majority of which have been on the board since 2018, were reappointed by the North Carolina Governor’s Office and State Board of Elections. 

“This Board worked incredibly well together through the challenging 2020 election, so Wake County is extremely fortunate that this skilled and dedicated team is back again and ready lead us through our next demanding elections,” said Board Chair Erica Porter, who will now serve her second term as chair. “We’ve proven that we can collaborate to ensure fair and accurate elections for our voters, and we’re excited for the opportunity to continue working with the amazing Wake County elections staff.”

At their regular meeting Tuesday, the Board voted to reappoint Angela Hawkins as Board Secretary for the upcoming term. Returning to the Board were also Greg Flynn, Keith Weatherly, and Gerry Cohen. These members play critical roles in elections, appointing all chief judges, judges, assistants, and other election officers. They also investigate irregularities and oversee all election challenges and protests within their jurisdiction. In addition, they select early voting sites, Election Day polling places, approve absentee ballots, oversee the budget and selection of voting equipment, and canvass the election returns.

The Board shared that they are looking forward to working with newly appointed Wake County Elections Director Olivia McCall, who stepped into the position after the retirement of long-serving Director Gary Sims.

Their team has already begun work to prepare for the 2023 Municipal Elections on October 10 and November 7. New this elections season, voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina, starting with the fall municipal elections. Information regarding the North Carolina photo ID requirement can be found at Voter ID | NCSBE

Visit for more information about upcoming elections and voting.

About Wake County Board of Elections
The Wake County Board of Elections is responsible for conducting all elections held in the county. The board establishes election precincts and voting sites; appoints and trains precinct officials; prepares and distributes ballots and voting equipment; certifies ballots cast in elections and investigates any voting irregularities.

The Wake County Board of Elections also maintains voter registration and voting records for more than 800,000 voters. To learn more about Wake County Board of Elections, follow us on Twitter and Facebook or contact us at 919-404-4040.

Board of Elections
Press Release