Public Information

Public Information Officer

The Public Information Officer (PIO) is the primary contact for the news media. The PIO prepares news releases and coordinates print and broadcast coverage of agency events. The PIO also acts as the liaison with the media at crime scenes and other activities that generate media interest. The PIO also handles public records requests by credentialed members of the media.

The PIO's mission is to effectively provide a link between the Sheriff’s Office and the community it serves.


Routine media inquiries are handled as expeditiously as possible during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The PIO is on-call for emergencies and for significant breaking news events. Once the PIO determines that a situation is newsworthy, the information is disseminated to all news media.

The PIO will generally not have information regarding routine events (i.e.: routine arrests, crimes not resulting in death or critical injury, etc.).

In the event of a major crisis or event, the PIO, at the direction of the Sheriff, will coordinate news conferences and disseminate news to the public on a timely basis. The Public Information Officer is also responsible for social media outlets, such as the Sheriff’s Office website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Public Records Requests

The Wake County Communications Office accepts public records requests online. The automated system contacts members of the Communications Office staff as soon as an online form is completed and provides a confirmation email to the submitter. This streamlines the request process for members of the media, citizens and staff.

Please see if your inquiry falls into any of the common public records request categories here before submitting a request through our online system.


Public Information Officer
330 S. Salisbury Street
Raleigh, N.C. 27602