Wake County Register of Deeds | Tammy Brunner

Business Name Search Instructions

Determine whether the name you have selected has already been filed by another party. It is your responsibility to perform a business name search.

Businesses Names are Indexed in our System Using:

  • The current indexing standard requires that the information be entered as it appears on the document. “Key It As You See It
  • Prior indexing standards used abbreviations and while the new standards now spell out all words.
  • There are still exceptions.
    • Where these words appear already abbreviated, they are typed as it appears.
  • When initials are part of the name, search with and without spaces between the initials.
  • Search using different spellings of words (e.g., two, 2, too, to).
  • Search with and without leading articles (e.g., a, the)
  • Some examples of types of searches you need to be aware of are:
    • Actual company name: The Marketing Department
    • Indexed as: The Marketing Department
    • Actual company name: A Clean Sweep
    • Indexed as: A Clean Sweep

Things you need to know when doing a search:

The following words are abbreviated unless the abbreviation falls as the first word of the non-human or corporate name:

Word Abbreviation
Incorporated Inc
Corporation Corp
Company(ies) Co
County Cnty
Association Assn
Department Dept
Limited Ltd
And &
Partnership(s) Ptnr
Associate(s) Assoc
Savings and Loan S&L
Mortgage Mtg
Finance Fin
Insurance Ins
Bank and Trust B&T
Condominium Condo


The Register of Deeds Information Center is available to help if needed. If you have any questions please contact us at 919-856-5476 or rodinfo@wake.gov.