Pre-Submittal Meetings

Pre-submittal meetings are an important step in the application process for commercial (non-residential), regular subdivisions and care facility projects in Wake County Planning jurisdiction. These meetings allow you to discuss your project with various Wake County Staff members, address potential issues and ensure you have all necessary documentation to avoid delays. Depending on your project, different pre-submittal meetings are available.

You can find detailed information about each option below.

Types of Pre-Submittal Meetings

1. Commercial (Non-Residential) Pre-Submittal Meetings

An optional, free meeting intended to review commercial and non-residential projects.

How to Apply:

  1. Use the Permit Portal to search and select “Pre-Submittal Meeting Commercial (Non-Residential)”.
  2. Upload the completed supplemental form and any other relevant documents.
  3. Include important details:
    • Proposed use, existing use, number of employees, hours of operation, water supply system, waste system, etc.
  4. A planner will contact you to schedule the meeting once your request has been reviewed.

2. Subdivision Pre-Submittal Meetings

An optional, free meeting intended to review regular subdivision plans.

How to Apply:

  1. Use the Permit Portal to search and select “Pre-Submittal Meeting Subdivision”.
  2. Provide any information you think will be helpful for the meeting.
  3. A planner will contact you to schedule the meeting once your request has been reviewed.

3. Care Facility Pre-Submittal Meetings

A required meeting for in-home day-care, family care homes or group homes.

How to Apply:

  1. Use the Permit Portal to search and select “Pre-Submittal Meeting Care Facility”.
  2. Attach a copy of the completed Division of Facility Services application for the requested use.
  3. Provide documentation that no other family care homes are within a ½ mile radius. (If applicable)
  4. Complete and upload the care facility supplemental form.
  5. Pay the $110 fee.
  6. A planner will contact you to schedule the meeting once your request has been reviewed.


Additional Information

  • All submitted documents and maps become the property of Wake County upon submission.
  • The Wake County Unified Development Ordinance can be found here.
  • All application fees are non-refundable.
  • Case Number should be used on all correspondence subsequent to application acceptance.


Pre-submittal meetings are scheduled through the Permit Portal. 

Details on navigating the Permit Portal can be found here or you can call 919-856-6335 for additional information. 

Permit Portal