Technology Projects

Concept of business strategy and action plan. Businessman hand putting wood cube block on top with icon

The Department of Information Technology works with departments across the county to implement technology solutions that help improve the delivery of citizen services, facilitate transparency in government, strengthen cybersecurity, and provide our workforce with tools that enhance collaboration and productivity. A selection of some of our technology projects currently underway or recently completed are highlighted below. For more information about completed and scheduled IT projects, see our business plan.

IT Business Plan

Current or Recently Completed Technology Projects:

Expanded Video Streaming for Board of County Commissioners Meetings

The county recently expanded video streaming for Board of Commissioners (BOC) meetings to include work sessions. The initiative included fitting the work session space with cameras and microphones and integrating them with the current video streaming platform. The BOC work sessions are now live streamed and published to WakeGOV just as the regular meetings are.

Meeting Schedule

On-Demand Video Language Interpreters

In January 2020, Wake County debuted live speech and American Sign Language video interpretation services in all health clinics run by the Human Services Department. Simple video devices provide one-touch access to video or phone calls with trained professional interpreters in 240+ languages. The service allows clinic staff to provide non-English speaking citizens with services such as medical exams, nutrition counseling, and evaluation for county and federal services.

Prior to implementing on-demand translators, a patient needing translation services experienced appointment scheduling delays while a contracted translator was located and coordinated. Walk-in services for these patients were not an option. With the new technology, all clinic patients can receive scheduled or walk-in care with on-demand availability of a translator.

The devices are easy to use and allow staff to provide enhanced medical care to their patients. We are currently working to expand the technology to visiting home nurse and child welfare services.

Electronic Funding Requests

The county recently developed an electronic application process to facilitate community organization funding requests. The Budget and County Manager's offices needed a better way to solicit and review requests. Previously, applicants emailed their supporting information and documents, then staff spent considerable time vetting and compiling the information for the Board of Commissioners. Information Technology developed an online application that provides groups with easy access to required document templates and ability to upload their completed forms and supporting documents.

Permits and Inspections Portal

A recently completed project enables citizens and businesses to request and track the progress of permits and inspections online. A group of citizens and construction contractors were invited to see a demo of the new tool. They were asked to "test drive" it and provide input on what they liked/didn't like, what features they would like to see added, etc. Many of the features suggested were implemented into the county's updated Permit Portal.

Wake County Permit Portal