Affordable Housing Advisory Working Group

Do you want to help solve affordable housing issues in Wake County? Then apply to join the Affordable Housing Advisory Working Group!

The mission of the group is to provide guidance, contribute input and engage the public around affordable housing and homeless service efforts. The 17-member group will serve a term of two years, meeting bi-monthly with additional meetings to be determined. We’re looking for strong advocates who have diverse experiences that can help us increase and preserve housing affordability, as well as prevent and reduce homelessness in Wake County.

The group will consist of representatives from these industries:

  • Affordable housing developers,
  • Behavioral health system,
  • Local university or college,
  • Community advocate with knowledge of housing issues,
  • Economic development,
  • Faith community,
  • Local banking or credit union,
  • Hospital systems,
  • Health and human services,
  • Law enforcement,
  • Legal,
  • Legislative liaison,
  • Community members with low-income lived experience,
  • NC-507 Continuum of Care,
  • Property management and
  • Wake County Public School System.

Ready to apply?

Wake County is currently accepting applications for the below seats. Applicants can apply online here.

  • Behavioral Health Systems
  • Community Representative
  • Hospital Systems
  • Hospitality Industry
  • Health & Human Services
  • Law Enforcement
  • Legal Industry
  • NC-507 Continuum of Care
  • Rental Housing & Property Management
  • Wake County Public School System


Contact or call 919-856-5688.