Vital Records

We have information on how to get a birth certificate, death certificate, marriage certificate, and how to get married.

How to Register a Birth

You can get a copy of a birth certificate for anyone who was born at a hospital or home in Wake County.

How to register a birth & get a birth certificate

Information for Funeral Homes

Funeral homes have a responsibility in registering deaths which include completing and filing of all the necessary paperwork, such as the certificates of death, or other permits and authorizations.

 Information for Funeral Homes 

Location Information

Physical Address:
Wake County Health & Human Services
Vital Records
10 Sunnybrook Road
Suite G-32
Raleigh, NC 27610

Mailing Address:
Wake County Health & Human Services
Vital Records
PO Box 14049
Raleigh, NC 27620-4049

For more information, contact Wake County vital records at:


